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时间:2024-06-25 13:47:45  编辑:顺达建站  访问:804


“I'm sold” 千万别翻译成 “我被卖了”,理解错了太尴尬!,“I'm sold.”究竟是甚么意思?“I'm sold.”的中辞意思是“我被压服了”,sell在这里是“推举,使接收”的意思.而绝对的,“I'm not

清晨朗读1047:Michelle Obama's Memoir Nears 10 Million Copies Sold,has sold nearly 10 million copies globally since its release in November, publisher Penguin Random House said Tuesday, adding that

刊读 | Sprite will no longer be sold in green bottles 雪碧放弃绿色瓶子包装, of Dasani bottles sold in the U.S. and Canada will be switched over to 100% plastic bottles beginning this summer. "We saw how much

清晨朗读1533:$250K books sold. $250K to save lives.,ve already sold over $250,000.I made 5000 limited edition hardcover copies of each, but those have sold out now.I'll admit, it made me

蟹老板晨读 | completely sold out,We've completely sold out of those shirts in your size, sir. 师长教员,您这个号的这类衬衫曾经都卖完了.(起源:Longman Dictionary of

“阅读马拉松”21天英文绘本阅读优秀作品展《Sold Out》,你最优良《Sold Out》朗诵者:姚陈柳鑫存眷我们更多优良作品展连续推出!快活浏览 | 安康生长地址:杭州曙光路75号

“系统式共谋”:《被贩卖的人口(Sold People)》读书笔记,Sold people:traffickers and family life in north china作者任思梅(Johanna Ransmeier)是芝加哥年夜学汗青系的副传授.哈佛年夜学出书社

「Levi's 」牛仔裤的英文你一直都读错了!,He sold clothes, boots and other goods to the small retail stores of the American West.他开端做纺织品生意,卖一些裤子啊,靴子啊,

提升之路——英文读片会第11期《Sold Pseudopapillary Tumor of Pancreas》 鲁珊妤,

2019年最值得读的英语书,Most-sold fiction虚拟类滞销书本Ready Player One: 头号玩家美国作家恩斯特·克莱恩(Ernest Cline)的科幻小说作品The woman in